Skills Inventory Worksheet

Skills Inventory Worksheets

Part I – List of Skills

For each category (jobs, education or training, hobbies etc.), list skills that are still usable without further training, or with limited refresher training.

Skills Learned through Jobs



Skills Learned through Education or Training –also include skills
that you will have soon after completing in-process education or training


Skills Learned through Hobbies, Volunteer work, Home Projects, Community Work, Leadership Activities etc.



Part 2 – Combining skills

Combine and consolidate your detailed skills into a list of no more than 10-15 skills, each as concise as possible with a maximum of 12 words.


Part 3 – Strength of Skills

Rate each of the skills listed in Part 2 on the following scale. Pencil in your rating in the box containing the skill:

1 – One of my worst skills. I do not do this well at all.

2 – I rarely do well at using this skill.

3 – I have about average success in using this skill.

4 – I have good success in using this skill.

5 – I use this skill exceptionally well

Part 4 – List of Strongest Skills

List only those skills which you rated 4 or 5